
Some people are cunts.

Some people are jealous cunts.

Some people are super cunts.

Some people are uber cunts.

Some cunts even think they can put one over on you by being a smart mouthy cunt.

And then again there are some people who don’t even realise that they are being cunts at all and work their way up the dizzy heights to being uber cunts.

I welcome these cunts .  For they are cunts and will never rise above a cuntish level.They will always be cunts and live life in their cuntish pathetic way. 

 I call them fucking stupid  cock sucking cunts of the highest order.

And best of all, you know exactly what kind of cunt you are, you cunt.

Welcome to Hell you stupid fucking cunt..

Bald Devil loves you all.

You fucking cunts.

3 Responses to “Cunts…”

  1. Is there any other blog except TMs where the bald devil comments? I have missed the exchanges between Monkey Balls and your devilish self since you were removed.

    It’s just not the same any more *sob*

  2. balddevil Says:


    There is as yet no other blog that Bald Devil has found so smug and self-back-slapping as the “Hat-trick King”.

    I’m thinking Problemchildbride for my next attack?

    If you want to join the revolution, let me know…

    Bald Devil loves you all.

  3. what type of cunt says uber

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