
Some people you miss.  You miss them for various reasons.

You miss them because they leave you.

You miss them because of bad timing.

You miss them because they are no more.

You miss them because you have grown apart.

You miss them because your train is late.

You miss them because the cross-hairs on your .22 are not aligned.

And then you think. 

Fuck them, they are only assholes anyway and that’s the exact reason why they are in your past.  They keep letting you down, the fucking cunts.

Bald Devil loves you all.

2 Responses to “People.”

  1. You seem strangely depressed bald devil. You must need some beer.

  2. balddevil Says:

    Welcome Morgor. Good to hear from you.

    Bald Devil enjoys the Cuervo Gold and the fine Colombian. And will make tonight a wonderful thing, for your information.

    Bald Devil loves you all.

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